Kris DeVo has 100+ original designs and counting.

Kris at DeVos Woodcrafts has the best products available. Recently we have been doing a collaboration; his custom wood products matched with my custom custom knives. Kris has a wealth of knowledge and has been a true inspiration to me and my work. His craftsmanship is truly unique and superior to other products made. I have the privilege of being able to connect with him quickly too as all of his work is done in the great state of Alaska. If you are wanting that heirloom piece to pass down in your family, contact him. He will truly inspire you, your work and your family.

DeVos Woodcrafts:

Kris DeVo Youtube:

Instagram: https: //

Kris’s customers are of the utmost importance to him. Feel free to send him a message anytime through his website and he will do his best to get back to you as soon as he can.

Below are some of “DeVos” heirloom quality work:

(All photos on this page are property of DeVos Woodcraft. Permission was granted for me to use on my website)